Training Your Mind For Confidence And Success | Empty Whole
" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It's not just in some of us, it's in all of us. And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears our presence automatically liberates others."
You may ask yourself, who am I to be attractive, talented, successful, or exceptional. Actually - who are you not to be?
It's been revealed that humans generate 50,000 to 100,000 thoughts each day; so, as you might imagine, your mind is vital to your success.
Depending on your upbringing, experiences, and awareness your mind can either work for you or against you.
Empty Whole is an advocate of the holistic optimization of your mind, body, and soul. It's clear that while we're alive we must optimize our mind to work for us rather than against us, and this is a daily battle.
It's our honor to provide what you need to live your best life and train yourself to have confidence, optimism, and success.
We're glad to present these exceptional tips to help you be your best:
1. Pay attention to your emotions, You must be able to identify what you're feeling and understand why you're feeling what you're feeling. It then becomes your responsibility to improve your ability to shoot down thoughts that are not beneficial to your growth and success. This ability to identify your emotions as they arise is key to gaining control over these feelings; you'll increase what's called your 'emotional intelligence.'
2. Be aware of what you say when you talk to yourself. Negative self talk is unacceptable and hindering. The truth is that we each have the ability to think/say whatever we want to ourselves and therefore alter the feelings and thoughts we have that hurt and don't help us. Once we understand the fact that we can choose how we think and how we feel, it's only right to say to ourselves works that build us up rather than what will tear us down. When the sabotaging negative self-talk creeps into your mind, counter it with positive thoughts or positive action and you'll be able to change your mood from being negative to being happy and positive.
3. Avoid talking yourself out of things and learn to talk yourself into the things you should do. Do you workout? Well while training, if you haven't yet disciplined your self talk, you'll notice your mind telling you to stop what you're doing and not continue to push for another rep, another set, or another mile. This is only natural. Understand that while training our objective is to push ourselves past our limits so we extend them and therefore strengthen ourselves. Since you're pressuring and exhausting your body and muscles, your brain might naturally tell you to stop putting yourself in such stress and discomfort even though it's what you need to become stronger.. The strongest and most conditioned individuals have groomed their minds to push through the obstacles the mind wants to avoid and work harder for longer. When you're able to convince yourself to fight through adversity, you'll only get stronger; and when you avoid doing the things you know you should do, you won't reap any of the benefits. That brings us to our next point.
4. Adversity makes you stronger. Embrace adversity, attack the challenges that come your way, and fight through to the other side. Naturally our brains have evolved to avoid adversity, pain, and uncomfortable situations - it's a safety mechanism; but attacking each event when nerves and uncertainty are present will provide invaluable experiences and strengthen your confidence in yourself. Each challenge you break through will results in a better version of yourself.
5. Move forward. Always move forward. When life happens, keep moving forward. Life can be a challenging, tragic, and unpredictable experience. We must not look to the past in vain and only to learn, so that we can improve. From the day we're born, time stops for nobody and keeps moving forward. Therefore, with time, we must continue moving forward to new experiences, new accomplishments, new people, further growth, and more life.
1. Identify, understand, and optimize your emotions.
2. Be aware of what you say when you talk to yourself. Reject negativity and increase positivity.
3. Avoid talking yourself out of things and learn to talk yourself into the things you know you could benefit from.
4. Embrace and overcome adversity, it only makes you stronger.
5. Keep moving forward.
You only get one life. You might as well make the most of it.
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it’s great to see you reading and being proactive while you feel this way. You’ll come out of this more resilient than ever. Believe in yourself, and keep moving forward.
You got this.
All the best,
- The Team
Empty Whole
I have always been a a resilient person but lately I feel as though my sense of resiliency is no longer there. But after ready this forward thinking article I think it’s just what the dr ordered. .Am going to be reading it over and over again and sharing it with my friends as well. Thanks much!
Thank you so much for these encouraging words.! I’ve read them several times.! Just for reassurance.!
Linda Ament Russell
Linda! So happy to hear these wonderful words from you, definitely empowering and inspiring. Be sure to share that amazing attitude with the rest of the world and the people you come across – it can be contagious!
All the best
- The Team
Empty Whole
Thank you for confirming what I want to do in my life.
Linda Ament Russell
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