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Article: How To Be The Hero Of Your Life's Story | Empty Whole

Be the hero of your own life's story
Be a hero

How To Be The Hero Of Your Life's Story | Empty Whole

We all have our own lives to live and our own stories to write.

It's your responsibility to take charge, control your life, and accomplish the things you want to achieve.

It's your responsibility to direct your own life and write a story in which you're the type of hero you wish to be.

Here we'll talk about the composition of any good story and how it relates to writing the story of your life.

If you take one thing from this entry, let it be the understanding that you have the power within yourself to make your own decisions and create the life of your dreams. Many will try to guide you and provide advice that they don't even take themselves - always listen but act only on what information is right for you.

While you may not be able to control everything that happens you can control your reaction to everything and we'll be here to help guide you through your growth.

The hero in every story is a strong and courageous individual who perseveres through hard times to achieve the goals they have set for themselves which may have seemed improbable to others.

You are a hero and your life is the story. Choose what you want to do in life (your story) and know the work required to get there. Persevere through the obstacles set forth by the plot (life) and the villains (obstacles) and you could accomplish anything.




Every great story has a hero and the hero is normally the primary character in the story.

He or she has a strong role committed to realizing a notable, predetermined goal.

You get your own life and you are your own person.

Always be committed to learning and improving and you will embrace your ability to control your mind, emotions, and your life’s direction.

You can’t control the world around you but you can control yourself and your disposition toward the world. You have the ability to choose between a negative and positive perspective. It does you no good to focus on the negatives, so do your best to maintain optimistic and see the positive in each situation. 

To find what you enjoy, do many things, identify what you like, and choose a big dream to achieve. Once you know your target goal/life and what is required to actually achieve it, commit yourself to that goal and work every day for it's achievement. To achieve the lofty goals we encourage you to set for yourself, you only need to make some progress each day - you don't need home runs to score, focus on hitting base hits and you'll accumulate the runs you need to win.

Take a kind disposition toward the world and be good to others while always remaining confident, focused, and fierce.

The hero (you) is as strong and as able as anybody to pick a goal and a dream life and live it.

Be bold and work hard for what you want. In anything you do you will reap rewards proportional to the effort and perseverance you put in.

Know, that life might not be very nice to you (we’ll talk about the villains in the story soon) and there will be many people, situations, and obstacles that will get in your way but it's your responsibility to surpass them and win.

Because life can get so tough sometimes, you may need to find those things you could do to keep you calm and poised under stress – exercise, listen to music, create your own music, read, go outside, hang out with friends, make new friends, do whatever hobbies or things you really enjoy doing and do these things when fighting for your goals gets tough.

Know that who you are as a person and the values and beliefs you hold are more important than anything. Your character is part of what makes you the hero and a fit to write a good story.

Stay calm, keep learning, be wise, continue improving, and be always show gratitude for everything you have.

NOTE: This is real life, your career/job/money is important. You'll have to work hard and earn a proper living by providing real value to others. Your service to others is proportional to what you are rewarded - the better service you provide for more people, the more money you should be able to make doing so. Money is important in life, so go get that money and do good things with it.


You write your own life's story; you get to direct your own life.


That’s right. Your life is yours to guide, you get to write your life’s story, and in this story you're the hero.

You can have and do what you want and you will be who you want as long as you treat others and your surroundings with respect while staying focused on achieving your goals.

So, stay curious and continue learning about the world, yourself, and your environment. Work hard, surround yourself with good people, and shoot for the moon.

You don't want somebody else deciding who you are or how you live. Live your life and decide what makes you happy for yourself.


Be the hero of your own life's story



The plot of the story is your life.

The life of the hero, can you imagine what it might be like?

Step back. What is your life like now? What do you want your life to be like? What will it take for you to get what you want? Are you willing to learn and work hard through tough sh*t?

You don’t have to save the world - but you do have to save yourself. Never settle, avoid negativity, and take care of your thoughts.

Every hero should be grateful for their parents and their upbringing (some exceptions) but there comes a time in everyone’s life where you must understand that you have to make a living and a life for yourself.

If that time has not yet come for you, it has now. You have to be able to take full care of yourself so that you aren't dependent on others.

Know, also, that you don't know what you can't do until you've at least tried.

Take risks but be safe – mitigate risks and avoid taking risks that put too much at stake. Be willing to try new things.

In the plot there will be many twists and turns, ups and downs. Stories consist of joy, excitement, birth, ideas, achievements, confidence, and discovery but at the same time include insecurities, tragedy, envy, ignorance, death, opponents, villains, and everything else that is a part of life.

Never let your spirit break and always have faith. The worthy hero will always rise.

You write your story by what you do. At the end of the story, it will have been good or bad according to what you wrote and what you moved yourself to do.

The hero knows to make good decisions as often as possible and understands that bad decisions are made but they are just learned from and then forgotten.

So make good decisions and move forward after learning from your mistakes. Your decisions, actions, friends, and surroundings will influence your character and guide your life, but you can choose who and what to surround yourself with. Choose good things that make you feel good and avoid anything that harms you or others and isn't enjoyable.

YOU get to choose whom you hang out with, what you do, what you don’t do, and everything else. Choose wisely – hero.

NOTE: One day, the story will end - All of our stories end. When you are alive writing your story, bear this gracefully in mind. Since you know your story will end spend your time doing things you love and appreciating each moment and day as if it's your last.


Be the hero of your own life's story



Without a villain there is no struggle and no life comes without struggle. The villain doesn’t have to be human. Regardless, the villain opposes the hero and the villain is who/what you must avoid.

There are countless villains. The game of life isn’t easy. Villains are everywhere and are ever-changing.

People or things that were promising at first can always turn to oppose you – never be surprised and prepare your ego for these unfortunate events.

Villains also include weak mental barriers that hold us back. We must learn about ourselves and build strong minds able to overcome negative emotions and thoughts that our human minds will naturally display consistently throughout life.

Listen to me. Sometimes your peers might not like you and it doesn't matter, keep moving forward.

Heroes have villains in the form of people in real life too, not just stories. Do not let people oppose you – they don’t matter.

Be smart, be agile, work hard, and be creative to beat anybody and anything who stands against you.

Most of the time you can avoid people who oppose you by just ignoring them and avoiding them. Regardless, you should understand that the negative things people say are irrelevant and you should always remain confident in yourself.

Anything that is in your way, move through and destroy.

F*ck the villains - you’re the hero. Enjoy fighting through obstacles that move you toward your goals and laugh as you blow past them.




Our purpose here at Empty Whole is to encourage you to find what makes you come alive and empower you to do it.

If you browse  you will find resources including stunning products, recommended booksinformational and entertaining blogs, and more.

Everything we do at Empty Whole we do to inspire and empower the hero - you - in your story.

Empty Whole exists to make sure that you write your best story and live your best life.

You only get one life and we want you to live happy, healthy, and whole. 

Support us and we'll always support you.


  • Your life is like a story. There are villains, a plot, twists and turns, a hero with a goal, and an ending - hopefully a good one.
  • The good new is: you're the hero and you get to write your own story. Don't let others define you. You define yourself.
  • There are many villains that can be both people and things. Anything/anyone can be a villain. A villain is against you (the hero) and is there to break you down and prevent you from achieving your goals. Beat the sh*t out of the villains, always continue learning, and keep moving forward.
  • The plot of the story is your life. It is what you do which fills what your life and story. Identify goals and achievements that you want, identify how to achieve them, and commit yourself each day to the work required for the achievement of your goals. Live your life on your terms, with a goal, and with purpose - your purpose.
  • Life gets rough. A lot of bad stuff happens. And a lot of things don’t feel good. But a lot of the time life is the most amazing thing. Remain grateful for your blessings, find the beauty in life, and when you notice what's beautiful, stop and enjoy it. Find what you love and go do it.
  • Your story will end and you do not know when. So live every day doing the things you love to do.
  • You are a hero and you write your own life's story. Stay committed to learning and improving, identify and work toward your goals, be good to yourself and everyone, and enjoy the story you write.



Empty Whole™  is a Luxury Goods, Fashion, and Beauty Company providing you with the resources you need to look, feel, and live better. Our brand continues to grow worldwide and we're glad you are a part of it. 

Have you sat down and contemplated your story? What does your story look like? What do you plan to do/write for the rest of your life? Are you going to write your own story or let people write it for you? You know what to do, now go do it.


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